Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Last day of Summer vacation....AGAIN?

Another day at the pool. (Stacy, how is school in Kentucky? He! He!)

I tried to send the boys to school today, but with no success. School starts tomorrow. Or, I am in a version of "Groundhog's Day" with Bill Murray! If I wake up tomorrow and School does not start, I might just lose it!

The pool was great! Dante and his friend Taylor are showing the synchronized diving.

And I finally took Stone to the big pool. Knowing it was the last time we'd be there this summer, I was safe to do so. Otherwise, he'd never stay in the fenced small pool!
He jumped off the side a few times and swam back and then RAN to the boards. He jumped off (only a little scared the first time) 4 times before the lifeguard asked if he "swam the lap". What lap? So there is a lap rule to jump off the boards. He was doing fine...but not following board rules. He was not allowed his LAST JUMP. Can you guess what happened next? I had to carry him away...KICKING AND SCREAMING......."MY LAST JUMP!!!!!"
That lifeguard was only doing her job...and I was able chat with the manager after we had left about it, giving her a complement on it. It is not easy as a teenager to go against a parent.

An original ONE house adventure.
I love it when people stare and then smile, poor thing. And then there are the stares of disbelief that a child could misbehave so bad. They obviously are the "you're a bad parent" kind that used to bother me. Now, knowing Stone and what makes him tick... I don't care! I felt horrible to disappoint him. He even wanted the high board. Bart laughed saying..."He couldn't even see that far up."

The open house for Stone went great! He was able to see a friend or two, his teachers, Bus drivers, and eat ice cream. The whole family went, and this meant the world to Stone just to have his Daddy there. I am so happy Bart caved to my begging and went. He even got a little doll time in as well. Lucy also freaked out when he tried to sit in one of the little chairs. It was quite funny!

So, tomorrow, THURSDAY the buses roll through the neighborhood and pick up my boys. Dante all day, of course and Stone in the afternoons! And then maybe I can get Lucy to take a routine afternoon nap!!!! 3 hours of quiet. Why does this sound too good to be true?


At 7:27 PM, Blogger Polar Bear said...

Well, It's about time!! I thought I was going to have to read about pool days for the rest of the month! LOL

I hope the boys have a great first day back!!


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