Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I have a broom, THANK YOU! (title help...Cubs/Card series did not not go our way)

Meet, Hanna Lulu.
She only has one arm due to a horrible dancing incident.
She was our tour guide into and out of Chicago on Saturday!
She was grand!

Cubs beat the Cardinals and we were sad...can't you tell by the pictures? Doug was having a rocking Cardinal birthday! Sally scored us great seats. It was HOT, but we were in the shade! The kids stayed with Grandma and Lucy of course had a two hour melt-down for her momma(sorry grandma).

The nachos...don't they look good. As Bart brought them it was my turn to go to the bathroom. You see we had 4 seats and 5 people. The 5th seat was somewhere else. We took turns, and it worked well. Except when I returned the nachos were GONE. Oh well, the peanuts were good!

So much has happened in the past week. I will try my best (busy, busy, busy) to update everyone on the adventures!
Thanks to Sally,
my Mom (for watching the kids),
my Dad (for also taking part in kid duty),
Kelsey (for taking Dante to the movies),
Sarah (for driving),
and to the obnoxious Cub fan sitting next to me (because he really took it easy on me after the Cardinals lost). You all made Saturday a great day!


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