Sunday, April 30, 2006

Dinner and a (funny, funny) movie!

Date night! I can't believe we made it out after a long, long time. We've tried many times to go, but something always came up, someone always got sick. So when I woke up yesterday with major sinus issues, chills and a daughter who obviously felt the same way, by her every action.....I thought it was a lost cause. I was destined to stay home. A shower and postive attitude does wonders!!!

I did make a joke about Bart's shirt and he changed to a "better" date night shirt. He teased by threatening to wear THE MAP shirt. Great start. This shirt I bought him as a joke and he wears it all the time (well, used to until I threatend to burn it) He actually tried to wear it to Church once, and in all honesty said it was a "Church shirt" becuase it was new. Fashion challenged!!!
We have Bart's Aunt Vickey to thank for wacthing the kids. They had a great time playing with cousins too! I honestly, after calling just once, felt very secure and could enjoy my time not worrying about what they were putting her through!

So we drove the country side (She lives out a ways) and did it in SILENCE. Of course we were in a mini-van and both of us yawned at least 3 times before we made it to town! We went to O'Charley's for diner. (THANKS DAD!!!) Yummy. I ate and had lots of time to do whatever. I did not have to scold anyone (Bart behaved), or get down on the floor and clean the mess my kids made. I did not have to sing kids songs to entertain or spell out everyone's name on paper placemates. I did not have to cut bite side food 3 times, or request a cup with a lid. It was strange!

Since dinner was a success and all was good, (Of, course we called to check) we went on to the movies! RV was showing. I thought it would be good, it was the only movie we could agree on too! Since we were already stuffed from diner we went ahead and tortured ourselves with popcorn, soda, and snowcaps. Can you really go to a movie and not get those 3 essentials?


I laughed until I cried! I laughed half way to get the kids. I still think of parts of the movie and laugh. We are campers, (BIG TIME, LOVE IT, WANT TO LIVE IN AN RV, CAMPERS)and although it is a passion, it is new and we make mistakes. We could easily see how things in this movie are "true" to life. And it had a great "moral of the story", too! One that if you have kids...It will make you weep, even grown men! It is a must have on DVD for the ONE house!

Thanks to all who contributed! Date night was such a great refresher for a Mom with a lot going on.


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