Thursday, April 20, 2006

Can't leave home with out it: Part 2

Can you guess who I might be talking about today????

Poor Stone, At age 3 we finally took him to the eyedoctor. I had suspected a sight problem for some time but just was not sure. Little things he did, like point every which direction when you told him to get something and say "over there?" over and over.
He also never looked at a camera or in a person's eyes. Stone sat 2 feet from the t.v. to play games. We'd scoot him back and he'd end up right back next to it.

Taking him for the first visit was tramatic. They had to guesstimate his prescription. I will NEVER forget seeing him for the first time with them, either. Cindy was a blessing for us at this time. She worked at the eye doctor and fit his glasses. Stone connected with her because she was so caring and understanding of his "issues". He came walking down the hall in his glasses just wide eyed and amazed! He walked right up to me and said "Mom, you got eyes!" WOW! Sure, he knew I had eyes, but really had never seen them distanctly! Soon after that he became very blurry through all my tears!

So many new discoveries were made and milestones reached, and a lot of mischief too. He also has improved his moves on the gamecube (like he wasn't good enough already) Now he does everything with his glasses, except swim and take a bath. He even sleeps with them. (The picture is of his spare because he is right now asleep with his new ones on.) I can't image him with out. Posted by Picasa

Update of quilt! :


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