Fridge and Pantry Challenge.
I have been challenged by STACY. To show my fridge and pantry. I am okay with this because anything healthy I mention is mine (and Bart's) any thing unhealthy.....blame goes to the children. So here it is....

The right side, the fridge part. It contains lots and lots of fruit and veggies. We have started eating lots and lots of fruit and veggies! Watermellon, is a no-no on the diet though...I am thinking it can't be that bad...I am eating it now! The Pizza box...hmmmm...... the kids. Oh, the pizza guy laughed when I asked for a healthy pizza for me and my husband. Really laughed! He mad us a thin, low fat mozz, with mushroom! It was is gone! Top shelf, right side does have the evil, YUMMY dips from "at home AMERICA". That is all I ate yesterday! They have to go! I gave the lemon bars and brownies to the neighbors to avoid temptation any further. (3 by 8:30 am, not good!) The bottom drawers are packed with fruit and veggies....mostly squash, zucchini, and cucumber, (all diet friendly) from Bart's dads garden and are fabulous! And of course the juice, milk, and diet Coke! The Wine is a staple (but not diet friendly).
Freezer, left side. Lots and lots of frozen chicken tenders and breasts, bought on friendly! And mostly kid stuff....corn dogs, ice cream, french fries, burritos. Ice from the party.
This is one of two food cabinets (I don't have a pantry). And I included the beverages left to drink from the party(more wine, raspberry vodka that is good with lemonade and bad on the diet). Here you find the kid stuff. Cereal, cookies, poptarts, marshmellows, chips, bread, noodles, mashed potates, pancake mix....Bart and I get the crackers I get 12 a day and he gets 16. WOW! See the is not even opened! CAN ANYONE BELIEVE IT! I test myself everyday and have been victorious!

The lazy Susan is our last stop! Here you find TUNA, diet friendly, quick easy and good protein! The Frank's Hot Sauce, for Dante! Lots of soup. Most of it from Germany and very yummy. We like soup. Nutella!!!!! I only wish it were diet friendly. That was my breakfast before the change. Toast and Nutella. Mine looks like THIS because it is from Germany! Bart's mushrooms, and the kids' corn and beans.....
And that concludes the tour of the ONE house food! I hope you have enjoyed yourself.
It reminded me it is time to feed the kids!
So neat and organized! I wish mine looked this neat.
Nice try blaming the kids and Bart for the bad stuff! LOL
By the way... I tagged you again with the 7s tag. Have fun!!
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