Saturday, April 08, 2006

Fashion nightmare.

Today I needed a little laugh. Even though the great news of being DTC came...the ONE house have been a struggle. Lucy and Stone are really pushing thier limits! She is truely rotten. Not only does she have to do whatever Stone does, she also has to be touching him, bothering him, talking to him, disagreeing with him.... I remember the yes, no game I played with my brother as a kid. No matter what he said, I would disagree and he'd say,, no....Until it made him really, really mad.
How did she know I did this and why does she insist on caring on the tradition, only to show me how horrible a kid I was???????? I only hope this is where it stops! My brother could write a book on the cruel things I did to make him cry! Sam, I am soooo sorry!

So here is the laugh! I LOVE this outfit! Dante wore it (I am still trying to dig up a picture of him in it. It was pre-digital age), Stone wore it, Lucy can finally wear it and Kate will wear it too!
It came from my grandma's garage sale stash when I was pregnant with Dante.
I can't image how old it really is or how many cousins wore this!

Stone with his crazy hair, was 2 years old in this picture. Of course, he can't see a thing and we didn't know that. He saw colors. That is probably why he liked this outfit so much.

This is Lucy today in it. This isn't one of the "full" shots, but I could not resist the smile on this picture. That smile is what makes her so rotten. She flashes it and ...

I can't wait until my grandchildren wear this outfit! Posted by Picasa


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