Thursday, March 30, 2006

Park meditation and hat day!

Finally some warmer weather. I walked in the morning after Stone went to school. Lucy and I headed to the park and did 2 (wow) miles. I was really tempted to go three and actually thought it's one mile closer to Kate, but then we'd have to pass the 3 playground areas and I would have to hear Lucy scream to go weeeee again. Which I don't understand because she only climbs a couple steps and then shakes says " I scared" and then comes down. WEEEEEE!?????

So, to get her to leave, I promise to return after we get Stone. It was 45 minutes of meditation. I have stay-at-home mom, dad's away on business syndrome. I lack intelletual conversation so, spending endless time at the park, watching my kids and analyzing life fits into my schedule. People driving by on their lunch hour break look at me and think...drugs.

We found a great playground that fit both "no-fear, likes to be called spiderman-boy", and "I scared, I cried-girl". While he jumped off the ladder she pretended to jump off a little step almost ground level, but she was proud. It is hard to copy when you don't have the nerve. Her poor green shoes have given her some pretty bad blisters, so she took them off. Of course guess who had to try to get her toes? I am soooo glad this game did not last! For those who don't know, Stone has a thing for toes. We have had to leave the McDonald's playland because barefoot kids were being stalked and tormented by him.

Back to the park. Lucy actually made it up all 3 steps and then slowly went into a tunnel! I was floored. Of course, she goes straight for the holes and says, CHHEEEESSEEE, before I even have the camera out. (That's bad!)

Then the water called! Stone threw sticks and rocks in the small creek as Lucy threw in small blades of grass. I just sat in complete amazement of the joy one gets in throwing things into water. With a smile on my face, because I am completely satisfied and happy with life, I carried one (Lucy) kicking and screaming to the car (asleep before we got out of the park) and pretended to leave one (Stone), as the lunch break passer-byers now have DCFS hit on the speed-dial.

Dante is no-doubt ready for his MAP testing thanks to "wear a hat to school day"!


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