Friday, March 24, 2006

A lot of kids in a BIG tin shed!

Two hours in a morton building (gymnastics company in the backwoods) with 90+ kids of all levels of special needs is truely an experience. I am torn whether to joke and heartily explain the chaos, or tell it in the true humbling way it makes a person feel.

There were 5 stations of trampolines, activity center, slide, cube pit, and mats. We hit the trampolene first with our group. Ms. Karen and Ms. Mary Ann are blessings to these children and their parents. Lucy made 11 in our class. I jumped with Lucy as she told you yesterday and did get motion sickness something terrible. It was all I could do to make it through the rest of the morning. The kids had a little too much time at each station. Towards the end of each one we all were directing them back to where they were and not the next one.
The cubes were a hit. Stone loved them and almost lost his socks in there along with a lot of other socks. Some parents are going to wonder... Ms. Mary Ann was in with the kids and had the unpleasant experience of getting wet socks from water at the bottom of the pit. This does not sit easy with me. Things grow in standing water.
Lucy was petrified of most everything. She pretends she'd like it and then chicken out. I would try to help her and she would tense up and shake with fear. There is a little girl in the class that is exactly like her, but 3 years older. Her mom was there and also saw the similarity. She is the mom bouncing all the kids on the trampoline by jumping with them in the picture. That was a riot to watch. Better her then me. She is younger!

There was the most precious down syndrom boy, that really loved the big slide and all teachers, and parents decided he should be allowed to keep going up and down it all morning. His dad was there (who was also an on duty perimedic. Score!) and brought tears to my eyes how he interacted with his son. He was so proud and patient. A lesson learned about the many forms of a blessing!!

I can't say I was sad when we had to leave. These kids thrive on schedules and order. This was just maddness, I tell you. Some kids wondering into other areas, some were scared, others had no fear! And all were so excited! The faces were PRICLESS.

But even though my kids had a blast as they jumped and ran and screamed and climbed and screamed and ran... They both still did not sleep through the night, and motion sickness on a trampoline? Who knew?


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