Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Baseball and Jibbitz.

We played outside with Grandpa on Saturday. Dante looks alike like the baseball star from the St. Louis Cardinals, Albert Pujols.
Stone had a very hard time holding up the heavy bat and held it waist level and waved it like he was going to bunt. Maybe he will gain some atheletic ability with time.

And finally THE SHOES! These are a product of grandpa's spoiling! Well, Lucy's I got at Walmart. At first she had purple, and Stone had green. Stone screamed and kicked with his shoes on. Who knows why...just a glimpse of what I battle on a daily basis. Shoes are a hard thing for him to change. We usually buy the same shoes over and over in a bigger size. Lucy is strange by default and has to be just like Stone. In every way. She screamed with her purple shoes, but took a liking to Stone's green ones that were 4 sizes too big. I ended up back at Walmart returning Stone's and exchanging her's for the green. Happiness was achieved for all parties involved except Bart....I only went to Walmart for milk, bread, and laundry detergent.

The red is from Poppa Scott to Dante. These are not Wal-mart off brand these are the real deal Croc's. Wow was he surprised and HAPPY. The little button things are called a variety of things from shoedoodles, charmettes, and Jibbitz. There are tons of these to personalize your shoes. Check out the link! Lucy got a heart, purple flower, and a L. Dante got a basketball, football, baseball, and a D. Even though it is a meaningless money making scam, I love it! My kids are cute and I am still trying to find some that Stone will not freak out over when he slides them on his feet!


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