Friday, March 10, 2006

Take a seat, this one got a little long!

As you saw, from yesterday's post we were a little, okay, a lot wet around here. I took the kids to school, so Dante would not have to swim to the bus stop. He was amazed at the creeks that had turned into white-water river caps and roads that I kept saying were not completely safe to go over as I tighted my grip on the steering wheel and went for it. Okay, I like to exaggerate, but it was definately not NORMAL. I had a flowing river going through my backyard and a lake forming between us and the GOOD neighbors!

So what do I do to dry us off.....

Actually the story goes...
I was making beds, with fresh sheets that had been in the dryer most of the day. (I don't get in any hurry.) And it got very quiet. TOO QUIET. These kids (all three) have had some kind of loud, fight, and scream potion everyday for the last 3-4 days. We are called the "LOUD FAMILY" by my mother as it is...can you image it amplified. I did not think it was possible, but I guess motivational speakers often speak of anything being possible. I don't know where they get this potion...but they keep getting it.
So back to the quiet thing, which to a Mom of two young kids, who were just yelling equals BAD! So I followed the dulled noise of grunts, moans, a few get off me's and look what I find in the dryer. They were not able to get the door shut all the way. I am sure what inspired was Stone and Snappy (the famous snake) got in and Miss I have to do whatever my brother does so he can scream and yell, climbed in too! I reminded them to use a dryer sheet because they both get static hair really bad.

Okay earlier in the rainy day we took a trip to the library on Dante's request. He wanted to take every book on skateboarding, inline skating, bmx dirt biking....see the pattern....I do, broken bones and hospital visits. Anyway, Stone and I tried to read a polar bear book he knew from school. He was sitting and doing so good, but MONSTER ran away, turned of the computers by the power surge and tried to escape up in the elevator. She did not get the privelage to pick a movie and Stone did. BIG DEAL, who cares....not Lucy!

On to the need of white (milk) and apple juice. We came out only with white and apple juice too! There were screams and fights and an "I don't like you" from Stone, because of the lack of white bags of donuts good boys and girls are allowed to get. (I hope to detail this adventure in the future). And Dante felt left out so he had to sigh, pout, and stomp away due to the rejection of his request for gummy worms. We calmly discussed the issue in the car after. He said he did not want to spend his money on things like that. He gets a weekly allowance for nothing. I don't get it, I did lots of things and never got one, but Bart is trying to teach him about money. So I was pretty upset that he thought it was okay to spend my money on "junk" and not his. So his $4 from Sunday's allowance will be spent on.....Gummy Worms! That is what was so important to make a scence in an all ready stressfull situation. Bart is not too excited on this punishment, because, he hates wasting money. I know he is right, but I already declared it and so it must be. I don't mind Dante asking and sometimes buying him such a non-nutrious fun kid thing...but DO NOT POUT, SIGH, and STOMP away beacause you did not get something.

WOW...I had a lot to say. This has been an incredible week. I even turned into Clark Griswald from "Christmas Vacation" and yelled our our loan officer's boss, who has recently returned to work from heart surgery. Occupational Hazard it seems. Our paperwork is moving , two new babies came to the world, (I will post the new cousin soon.), and we rented out the other side of the duplex to another neat family. The adventures at the ONE house have kept us busy and we are loving every minute, and thanking GOD for all we have been given, good and bad, because in all things God works for the good of the those who love HIM. Posted by Picasa


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