Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The second CUTEST!

There was a picture contest at the consignment store that I take things into and love to spend all Bart's money at, for valentime's day. I entered this picture of Lucy. I also entered the bottom picture shown of Stone. I really did it because it was 4 and under and did want to leave him out. So, guess who got second!
And the first place winner, was said to be an ordinary baby, by the owner. She called me up on the phone special just to let me know that Stone got the second highest votes. I think she is partial to him. She has a 8 year old that special in all the same ways Stone is. She is the one who told me to get The Out-of-Sync-Child. The costumers voted and I told no one about it. So they just really liked HIM!!! I'm sure the first place winner, had everyone they know go in and vote for their kid. I guess next year I will need to start campaigning for Lucy in late January.


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