Saturday, February 18, 2006

Heat are in the Finals!!!!

The HEAT made it to the finals and WOW what a ride it was! With only 5 teams it makes a tournament short. We played the 3rd seated Magic. We were second seated. This was a team we both won and lost to. Last weeks game was a hard loss. We are so fortunate to have 7 great kids and players on our time. I have said before they all play their hearts out, have a great time, and are good team players! We are also blessed with parents who are in the same category. The team we played unfortunately does not. The parents set the mood for the entire game and it was down right mean and way to aggressive for little league ball. The insides of me just shook from anger, fustration, pity, and sorrow for our boys. This game taught them nothing about sportsmanship. The poor refs were yelled at and they are only highschool kids, themselves. It was really hard not to stoop to that level and join in about bad calls and inapproprate aggressive fouls and so on. But I did manage to keep fairly quiet. (imagine that). and even gave a good play credit to either side. They are only boys!!! I was so proud of each and every one of the boys on the HEAT for playing a good clean game. Of course, there are some boys on the other team who played well and clean. I felt for each and every one of their sad faces, as they were eleminated from the tournament (of 5 teams remember). Did I mention the score was 13 to 14! But deep deep down in my heart I couldn't help but think the "best" team did win. I pray these boys will always play this good on the court and off!
SO, GOOOOO HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow championship game, and as you can see by this picture Dante always has his game face on! What a cutie, my boy's growing up! Posted by Picasa


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