Monday, February 20, 2006

WE are the CHAMPIONS!!!!!!

INTENSE! I am in for a long long road of intense sports when it comes to DANTE. The boys before the game were complete goofs, and hamming up the fun of the game. The fans were even given the treat of watching one of the players do "the worm" at the half court line. Bart was very impressed. Coach Don "wanted them to be loose". The highschool gym was so cold no one took off thier coats, hats, gloves... guess someone forgot to turn on the heat. The first half consisted of little Adam, scrapping. He is the smallest, sneakiest little go getter I have ever seen. It gave us all a good chuckle. Dante runs really fast down the court into postion. There were a few questionable plays and so goes the game of 3rd grade basketball. But 3rd quarter ended and we had a 3 point lead. Dante had a chance earlier to make a couple freethrows to no avail. He did pull through in the 4th quarter and hit 1-2. I rallied a gimme a H- E-A-T with only a few seconds left at a time out, but that did not give us an points. So when the score was tied at the end of the game, you can image the chills, thrills, and a loud group of parents on both sides. It was nice we were sitting across from the other team's fans. There were not as many hurt feelings of any yelling things we shouldn't have. And yes I said WE. US , oh and ME included. IT was CHAMPIONSHIP game!!! When that point guard walked with the ball on the other team, I was not alone when I screamed WALK! I was alone in a few other instances of shoot, move your feet, throw the ball, are you nuts... Just kidding about the are you nuts, but I thought it. I just can't wait to hear it all on video. Bart taped so I could yell at free will. The HEAT came through in the OT 3 minutes to pass and shoot as a team and took the championship from the undeafeted Knicks 7-11. Coach Don when asked what was next after the game said, "I don't know... I'm going to Disneyland". We all settled for Dairy Queen.
They had fun, played together and came out winners. The coaches were amazing, and worked perfectly together! It really does matter and I am grateful for their time and patience with this group of boys. Dante was great. His rebounding is really good, and he did not seems afraid to take a shot when he had a chance. He did not however smile as much running up and down the highschool gym floor. I think he was sad that it was the last game. But his trophy is proudly placed on the entertainment center for all to see, (because we have so much company here). It was a good day. Posted by Picasa


At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gramma sandy and bumpa are so proud of you. we will see you in about 12 days. tell stone and lucy we can all go swimming at the motel. friday we can stay at the one house. we love u all


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