Friday, January 27, 2006

Is Bart hanging up dry wall or his tool belt??

I am always talking about how proud I am of My family. My husband included for all his hard work and dedication in relation to the kids and our needs. Because he is also dedicated to many filthy habits, too. I refuse to be proud of those! Well, the basement is drywalled and we are just waiting for the drywall man to come and do the finishing touches! Check out the great job!!!!!! This half wall and one other small inner bathroom closet wall is all that is left to hang.
So my next question goes back to the title. In this picture you see "the tool belt" and it has not moved for over a week. But I am not complaining! If I was complaining it would be a lot more obvious, like why doesn't he.......
He has still kept up on his beer consumption. Thank goodness the drywall has been 97% hung, or there would be millions of cans in those walls!

It has however created a monster... He wants to build, bigger and better things now. (BIG SIGH, BIG GULP) Maybe I'll start drinking more.


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