Monday, January 23, 2006

A day with the G-Grandparents

Yesterday we adventured out! It was a very nice day. Bart has put off working on the basement and decided to get some "help". He is not so stressed and has more time for us. It is really nice.
We discovered a new Chinese restaurant in town, and man was it good. I even had a lady stop on the way out and tell me she enjoyed our family. We were quite calm, so I think she meant it. It was a nice treat as we are in the Chinese New Year Holiday. January 29th is the actual Chinese New Year, and it will become the year of the dog. Dante is making Chinese Dragon kite's in school and has read a book about Chinese New Year as well as watched a video. I am so happy to be in a school district that devotes so much energy to many different cultures! I know this is a great big benefit to our family of many backgrounds.

We visited Bart's Grandparents for a couple hours and came out of there very pleased to have them still with us. It is often hard for Bart to watch his beloved grandparents to not only grow older but also see the damaging effects age has on a persons body and mind. For me it is just a sad reminder of grandparents gone and too far away to see as much as I 'd like.

We played a game of switch noses for a good half hour and everyone seemed to get involved. It is a favorite of Stone's, and Lucy has to do everything Stone does. Lucy also has to include everyone. We were lucky to get this great picture.

I got your nose grandpa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vic and Gertie are getting along well. You can see they love watching the kids and get a kick out of their energy. Grandma sat and rocked Lucy as she drank a bottle and Stone played catch with Grandpa. Grandpa also spent some time showing both Stone and Dante all the birds outside. It is a past time he enjoys. You would be amazed at all of the neat birds that come to eat off their bird feeders. He also was excited to have recently come across his fiddle and one of his daughters is having the bow mended so he can have a go at it. Of course they talked some Cardinal baseball before we decided it was time to head home.
I would have added more pictures but for some reason I can't get them to upload. And I had a great one of a big man (Bart) sitting on a little bitty stool.


At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so great for them to spend time with grandparents, let them soak it up. aunt jamie

At 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vic has played this for years. This brought back so many memories. I can't believe how much he still looks the same. I am so glad you all get to spend time with them. I know they are thrilled. Love you!


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