Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween 2006

A Happy Halloween for the ONE house! Raggedy Andy (dispite crying over the red lipstick checks that he called chocolate) was in full gear this year. Scarey pirate (the kids named him) was Dante and scared everyone, but was an angel of a brother. He was also embarressed of his Dad. Raggedy Anne couldn't have been cuter. She recieved touches from all the old people in Walmart in the afternoon and is opening up all the candy taking one bite and throwing it away, only to open another! And yes.....Puppy Daddy returned for another year! Lucy was petrified of him and only got close to him a couple times. Stone laughed at his barking, and I already mentioned how Dante felt. Hard to be 9!
We got our kicks at the Mall...dry and warm...bad candy. But then also hit a few house in the neighborhood. GOOD CANDY! Returned home only to realize the lights were on! OH NO! I guess I did not deactivate the programmable lights! Thank Goodness no soap on the windows or Toilet Paper in our trees. I felt bad. I had bought candy and was ready too!

The one thing I realized this year...
As each kid ages a year, understands it more, (and we get more kids) our bounty increases. I say we really did good this year!


At 7:45 PM, Blogger Valeri said...

Awwwww Puppy Daddy rocks!

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Dawn and Dale said...

I hear ya!! 4 Trick or treaters means TOO MANY CANDIES around here!!!


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